Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Young Republicans Hear From Huckabee, Voinovich

Mike Huckabee at YR
Yesterday at the Young Republicans luncheon at the Hard Rock Cafe (full disclosure: Campus Progress Action co-sponsored the event) a group of roughly 25 young people gathered to listen to Sen. Voinovich from Ohio, Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, and the Student PIRGs to talk about get-out-the-vote efforts. "I really believe in grassroots politics," Voinovich said to the young people with a hearing aid in his ear.

The event was designed to talk about the youth vote, but for the most part, it noted more about some leaders in the Republican party. Voinovich pointed out that he had become a Republican because he believed in "balancing budgets and paying down debts," and noted that the country's deficit has gone up 40 percent since 2001 -- during a Republican administration. It was the kind of thing you might hear from a Blue Dog Democrat.

When speakers mentioned presidential nominee John McCain the Young Republicans cheered, but when they mentioned vice presidential nominee the Young Republicans cheered louder. Although Huckabee noticed that McCain was his "second choice" for president, he endorsed him. He also spoke of respect for Palin for carrying through with her pregnancy even after she discovered that her baby would be born with Down's syndrome. Very few people choose to carry through with such a pregnancy after discovering such a challenge. "Then we find out who's really pro-life," he said.

Cross posted at Pushback.

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