Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why I'm a Feminist ...

So I realize this comes super late for Blog for Choice Day, but the reason I'm a feminist goes back to when I was something like a freshman in high school and read Betty Friedan's Feminine Mystique. Although the feminist movement was miles away from it, this text allowed me to open my eyes to the possibility of feminism. I'd heard all to many people refer with nostalgia to the "good old days" of the 1950s. Friedan confirmed my suspicion that the "good old days" were a myth -- a form of conservative folklore -- where no one suffered and everyone was prosperous.

I've blogged before about how choice used to be perceived as civil disobedience. Choice seems like a simple concept--we should have the ability to choose when to procreate because now science allows us to do so. Of course, there are many that have a view that fetal life is a "gift from God," but by imposing this belief on others, they are restricting many women to a life of powerlessness. A child born out of resentment is surely worse than no child at all.

1 comment:

pasadena said...

I like your blog!!!

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