Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Focus on the Family Lays Off Employees

It seems that James Dobson’s organization, Focus on the Family, is laying off more than 200 people–about 20 percent of the organization–after the organization sank more than half a million dollars into the “Yes on 8″ campaign in California. This is the second round of layoffs in two months, and just one of many rounds of layoffs in the last few years.

Apparently the hard times in the economy affect the radical Christian right as much as the workers at General Motors. Right now the right is taking a hit; they’ve lost on almost every front–except passing anti-gay measures in three states–but they probably won’t be down for long. While FOTF has laid off hundreds in the last few years, their efforts may be rekindled after a couple of years of an unfriendly presidential administration. Much as the Bush administration lent itself to the growth of lefty organizations and lefty media, the opposition to the Obama’s administration will be slowly building in the next few years, and will resurface later on.

Cross posted at Pushback.

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